Kaumalapau Harbor Breakwater Repair
Sea Engineering completed detailed engineering design and construction plans and specifications for a complete re-building of the Kaumalapau Harbor breakwater. This is a major coastal structure, with a final construction cost of $23 million. Design work included:
- A multi-beam hydrographic survey to precisely determine the existing bottom configuration
- Evaluation of design wave conditions
- Hydraulic model studies of breakwater stability
The repair design utilizes 35-ton Core-Loc concrete armor units, which are the largest unit of this type in the world to date. Sea Engineering coastal planning and permitting work also included:
- Preparation and coordination of an Environmental Assessment
- Federal and State permit applications
Environmental coordination included Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act requirements; Endangered Species Act, Section 7 consultation; Clean Water Act, Section 404 evaluation; National Historic Preservation Act coordination; Clean Water Act, Section 401 Water Quality Certification; and Coastal Zone Management Consistency Certification.